Painting: Journey to the Light City by Putra Shining

 Title: Journey to the Light City 
Artist: Putra Zulkharnain | Putra Shining
Medium: Acrylic on canvas 
Size: 2ft x 2ft
Year: 2020 
Price: MYR 580.00 

★ 40% from the profit will go to National Cancer Council Malaysia / MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional)

Me and my painting ready for exhibition! Feel free to come and take a look a bit closer on my painting and we can talk a lots of stuff too! Meet you guys there!

ARToFest x Genta Kecil
(Group Exhibition)

Date - 15th February 2020
Time - 10am - 11pm
Location - Rumah Seni Selangor (RUsSEL)

#art #painting #putaroart 


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